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Committed to your success

All of Evergreen’s bonds are specifically tailored to the waste industry and general contract surety needs, including:

  • Closure/Post Closure bonds for landfills, transfer stations, and MRFs
  • Hauling / Collection performance bonds
  • Corrective Action Bonds

So what’s the difference between bonding solutions and the flexible bonding solutions provided by Evergreen? We’re committed to finding the appropriate bonding solution for your needs. There’s no one-size-fits-all attitude at Evergreen. No hard and fast rules saying if X and Y, then Z. In short – you have your own unique business, with specific bonding needs. We make a concerted effort to meet those needs most effectively and cost efficiently. And along the way, we help you navigate the process, to make it less confusing and less painful.



Financial assurance bonds fulfill one of the requirements of Subtitle D, qualifying as one of the mechanisms to fulfill the financial assurance requirements when a landfill goes through the closure and post-closure process, as per the permit and closure plan.

These bonds, written for single or multi-year contracts, provide assurance that the obligations under the terms of the contract are fulfilled.

When a municipality or government agency needs a guarantee of performance, clients turn to Evergreen for assistance in providing the required performance bond to meet their contract obligations.

With Evergreen’s help during the bonding process, Evergreen serves as a negotiator to further define the scope to ensure success in the project/relationship ends with success. We’re serving as a resource to resolve any issues in the contract from a claim standpoint.

In essence, Evergreen serves as the surety company to the Obligee and Principal, providing security to both parties (the Obligee and the Principal) to not only avoid issues, but have a third party available to resolve issues as they may arise.